Pride Month : Everything You Need to Know

Whether you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, there’s no ignoring the importance of Pride month as a global celebration and, if you want to learn a little more about this monumental time for LGBTQ+ visibility, you can read on for answers on some of the most asked questions about Pride!
What is Pride Month?
Celebrated each year throughout the month of June, LGBTQ+ Pride Month is equal parts a commemoration of the Stonewall Riots, a celebration of the diverse LGBTQ+ community, and an opportunity to spread awareness of the issues still faced by the community.
What do people do for Pride Month?
Pride Month is best known for its large parades in major cities and towns celebrating the accomplishments and visibility of the LGBTQ+ community. It is also a political time with rallies, protests, and events to spread awareness for issues still faced by the community.
When is Pride Month celebrated?
Pride Month runs from the 1st to the 30th of June, but there are plenty of events outside of this timeframe too!
When did Pride Month start?
Pride Month traces back to the June 1969 Stonewall Riots. The first Pride marches were on the anniversary of that June 28th riot, gradually becoming the month-long celebration we know and love today.
What are the Stonewall Riots?
Following a New York City Police Department raid on a Manhattan gay bar in the Greenwich Village neighbourhood, not uncommon at the time, patrons began to fight back, leading to action that has been dubbed the Stonewall riots, Stonewall uprising and the Stonewall rebellion. The demonstrations went on for several days and have been credited as a key turning point in LGBTQ+ history.
When was Pride Month first recognised?
Despite its long history, politically Pride Month was first officially recognised in the US by President Bill Clinton, who declared June “Gay & Lesbian Pride Month” in 1999. This label developed to include more of the community with President Barack Obama declaring June LGBT Pride Month, followed by President Joe Biden declaring June LGBTQ+ Pride Month in 2021.
What is the Pride flag?
Created by seamster Gilbert Baker for the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade in June 1978, the rainbow flag has become an enduring symbol of LGBTQ+ Pride. In his own words, the rainbow ‘Expressed our diversity in terms of our gender, our race, our ages — all the ways we’re different, yet connected.’
Why are there so many Pride flags?
While the rainbow is the most commonly seen Pride flag, there are a whole host of unique flags to display specific identities within the LGBTQ+ community. These flags can be representative of sexuality, romantic orientation, and gender identity. There is also the Progress Pride flag, which incorporates many of the Pride flags into one, with an emphasis on inclusion and progression.
Who can celebrate Pride Month?
Anyone! An occasion for both those within the LGBTQ+ community and the supporters of LGBTQ+ rights, Pride month is all about inclusivity and can be celebrated by all those who want to get involved.
How can I celebrate Pride Month?
The easiest way to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride Month is to attend a rally, check out your local Pride parades, get involved in community fundraising, or dedicate time to learning about and getting involved with political action in support of LGBTQ+ rights.
What are some LGBTQ+ charities I can support for Pride Month?
With a diverse range of charities offering support to the LGBTQ+ community as well as those serving smaller groups within the community on specific issues, there are no end to the charities you could support through fundraising, volunteering, or making donations this Pride Month. We’ve compiled a list of some to check out below if you’re stuck for where to start!
Happy Pride Month from all of us here at the Grae Matta Foundation!